Dynastend – Chapter 1.6


“If the Meteans truly left to seek greater power … perhaps they will not return. Perhaps Solixia was only a beginning.” – Valeria DeVry (ANTHIS)


Metallurg (Metabode)

The moving stairs stopped abruptly.

The group within Metom’s tower waited in an anxious silence. Directly above, the spiraling staircase fed into a large platform made out of the same strange material as the eerie tower itself. How far they had traveled was impossible to tell; it felt like many miles. Aaron forced himself not to worry about finding a way down. Continue reading “Dynastend – Chapter 1.6”

Dynastend – Chapter 1.5


“And so, with family heirloom in hand, he struck down the mighty stag and became king of the vast green land.” – ‘Ode to King Brenson’


Royal Villa (Terramere)

Orlo Brenson felt the steam rising from the woman’s eyes, and with a flash of his hand the spinning fan above the room turned faster. Terramere was incredibly hot this time of year – the Landing and its surrounding countryside was even hotter.

He had learned why once … something to do with the weakening of the atmosphere above the great space port. Most of what he had learned in the Colony had been buried within a superfluous hole in his mind that had long since been filled in. He had been the King for almost forty years; he knew all that he had need to know. Continue reading “Dynastend – Chapter 1.5”

Dynastend – Chapter 1.4


“The first to witness the power of Dynastend was Starking’s Red Empire.”  

– ‘Histories of the Galaxy: Volume I’


The Burning City (Kire)

 The Burning City was silent in the dead of night. A frigid wind raced between the compact alleyways of the Red Planet’s capital, a stark contrast to the daytime inferno. Day or night, Kire was not a place for the weak. Continue reading “Dynastend – Chapter 1.4”

Dynastend – Chapter 1.3


“Without their technology, travel between planets would likely still be impossible.” – ‘Marvels of the Ironskinned’


Metallurg (Metabode)

The streets of Metallurg fed into the center of the ancient city from every direction, the many pathways consolidating into few before finally ending in positions of equal increments around an empty circular proper. There, the gray buildings halted abruptly as well, as if an unseen force forbade their entrance.

Nothing moved in the bleak space beyond the streets. A fearful wind blew across it hurriedly, eager to disappear back into the depths of the city.

Metom’s tower rose directly from the center-point of the proper, stretching for an eternity into the green-gray sky in an attempt to touch the stars. Unlike the other buildings of Metallurg, the imposing structure was an unyielding black, seemingly immune to the decay of time. It stood flawless and formal in the world’s strange light, fighting even the slightest urge to renounce its regal purpose. Continue reading “Dynastend – Chapter 1.3”

Dynastend – Chapter 1.2


“Terramere has never sought to rule more than its own domain; the only planet that can make such a claim. Then again, it is the only truly self-sustaining planet.”  ‘A Guide to the Green Planet’ (ANTHIS)

The Kingswood (Terramere)

Tym waited nervously atop a thick, low-lying branch just outside the hidden room beneath the roots of a thousand-year-old tree.

But it wasn’t just any room beneath any tree. It was the Elders’ chamber beneath the Kingstree of the Red River camp; the river named for the reddish tint it carried during the flooding seasons – the camp the home to his family.

Running a hand through his long and flowing brown hair, Tym grinned as he saw the same nervous look on his brother sitting next to him. Apparently, everyone was nervous on the eve of their first hunt. Continue reading “Dynastend – Chapter 1.2”

Dynastend – Chapter 1.1


“Each planet’s ruler controls intra-planetary laws and customs. Past actions have forced the Alliance to no longer leave anything else to chance.” – ‘The Iron Alliance’


Aaron Orilis scanned the monitors aboard the ship with indifference as it flew through the grim Metean sky. There were no signs of radiation according to the instruments across the smooth control panel, but that didn’t mean much to the King of Orilix. Every aspect of the spaceship that now carried them had been reverse engineered and furthered from scavenged Metean technology, and they had not seen the red-bomb coming.

“My King,” the tall Orlixi sitting next to him advised through a mess of auburn hair that nearly obscured his eyes. The pilot pointed towards the outline of a massive city growing on the gray horizon. “It’s right where the map indicated.”

Continue reading “Dynastend – Chapter 1.1”

Dynastend – Chapter 1.0


“Life began with the birth of Solixi. Just as it will end the day she dies. The Starmother will care for all things in between.”  – The Starguide

The Colony

Camila studied the sleek monitors embedded within the wall with more interest than she had in years. There was one screen for each of the five planets that revolved around the system’s lone star, Solixi, their images shifting constantly based on an array of variables chosen by the Meteans thousands of years before.

The Speaker of the Alliance had watched these screens for longer than some Solixians had lived; yet, they still frustrated her.

At least on this day there was purpose to Camila’s gazing. Today was the day that the first Solixians would step foot on Metabode since the Great Victory – since the end of the mighty Meteans fifteen hundred years before. Continue reading “Dynastend – Chapter 1.0”

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